Honeybee: Hot Shareware
Honeybee Hot Shareware (Power Source, Inc.).iso
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Assembly Source File
96 lines
;Written 1/29-2/4/88 by Jim Griebel.
;Scroll the EGA picture if it is larger than the screen. Scrolling is
;accomplished by mapping the 4 bitplane arrays maintained on the Turbo
;heap back into EGA memory in Write Mode 0. We add an offset value to
;the starting addresses of these arrays in order to move the picture up
;or down on the screen. This value is the Turbo variable ROLL, adjusted
;by the Pascal program in response to user inputs.
;2/3/88 switched from moving the whole bitplane at once to moving bitplanes
;a scan line at a time. Former produced a 'rainbow' effect during scrolling
;with some pictures
data segment public byte
assume ds: data
;Turbo variables defined for access by this program
extrn plane0:dword,plane1:dword,plane2:dword,plane3:dword
extrn roll:word
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code
public scroll
lroll dw ?
scroll proc near
;set up the EGA for new mode; write it a plane at a time
mov dx,3CEH
mov ax,5 ;Register 5=0, write mode 0
out dx,ax ;Trick I learned from Turbo:
;this puts 5 out 3CE, 0 out 3CF!
mov ax,3
out dx,ax ;Register 3=0, no rotate, no mod
mov ax,1 ;Register 1=0, turn off S/R
out dx,ax
mov ax,0FF08H ;Register 8=255, all bits enabled
out dx,ax
push ds ;Save DS to keep Turbo happy
mov ax,0a000h ;ES gets EGA video RAM segment
mov es,ax
mov bx,roll ;BX offset from start of arrays
mov lroll,bx
top: mov dx,3C4H ;3C4=2, 3C5=n, where n=plane no.
mov ax,0102H ;data will go to
out dx,ax
pop ds
push ds
lds si,plane0 ;Point DS:SI to bitplane on heap
add si,bx ;Add scroll offset if any
call putout ;Rip it out there
mov ax,0202H ;Same code for remaining bitplanes
out dx,ax
pop ds ;Get DS back to fetch next plane
push ds
lds si,plane1
add si,bx
call putout
mov ax,0402h
out dx,ax
pop ds
push ds
lds si,plane2
add si,bx
call putout
mov ax,0802h
out dx,ax
pop ds
push ds
lds si,plane3
add si,bx
call putout
add bx,80
cmp bx,38400
jnz top
pop ds
scroll endp
putout proc near
mov cx,80 ;Size of scan line
mov di,bx ;Point to start of EGA RAM
sub di,lroll
repz movsb ;and crank in the bitplane
ret ;Done
putout endp
code ends
end scroll